MA Student-Park Hyuk-jae

【 Time:2019-09-15 】



Park Hyuk-jae

l General personal information

-Family Name Park          Given Name : Hyuk-jae

-Status Ph.D student

Confucius China Studies Program : Joint Research Ph.D. Fellowship

-Adviser Prof. Susan Fuzhen Si (Chinese Side)

 Prof. Jong-ho KimForeign Side

-Nationality Republic of Korea

-Undergraduate courseHankuk University of Foreign Studies, Chinese Dept.  (Graduated)

-Graduate Course same Univ. Chinese Language and Literature Dept.

                                   Integrated Master and Ph.D courseCompleted


l Research Field

-Chinese Syntax, Comparative Syntax, Syntax-Semantics Interface


l Achievements

-Park, Hyuk-Jae(2019a), "The Historical Change of Word Order and the Reanalysis Explanation in Chinese ‘'V-lai’'+LocP : with the Case of Verb Luo/Zhi", The Journal of Chinese Studies vol. 87:153-183.

-Park, Hyuk-Jae(2019b), "'V-Lai+NP<Theme>' construction in Chinese : the diachronical word order distribution and its event HEAD", Journal of Chinese Linguistics in Korea vol. 82, 161-189.

-Park, Hyuk-jae(2019c), "On the syntactic structures of VlaiL and VLlai in Mandarin", The Third International Workshop on Syntactic Cartography(IWSC2019).

-Park, Hyukjae & Mingu Na(2019), "Rhetoric of Persuasion in The Analects (Lunyu) of Confucius", Korean Journal of Rhetoric, 69-89.


l Hobby

-Reading books, Watching movies and Raising turtles & goldfish