Initiated by our school, the International Workshop on Syntactic Cartography is now being organized by the Departments of Linguistics at Beijing Language and Culture University and University of Geneva, together with the International Association of Syntactic Cartographic Studies (Macao). This workshop, being organized every two years, is an important academic conference in the field of syntactic cartography with great international influence. Changing Boundaries, initiated by the Department of Linguistics, is the first domestic high-end international workshop that themed on the construction of the Department of Linguistics. In addition, the series of academic lectures named Move and Merge: Linguistics Meetings in BLCU is organized by Dr. Giuseppe Samo. It is an important academic platform for gathering experts and scholars in formal linguistics at home and abroad, and it’s aimed at better academic interaction and communication.

The Second International Workshop on Syntactic Cartography (IWSC) 2017 
International Workshop on Syntactic Analyticity and Grammatical Parameters (IWASGP) 2018 
The Joint Conference “Changing Boundaries” & “The Third International Workshop on Syntactic Cartography (IWSC2019)” 
A profile of academic activities in the Department of Linguistics
Signing Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Linguistics at University of Vienna (March 2019) |