题目:Strategies for the what all/was alles construction: Hungarian and Mandarin(匈牙利语和汉语等语言中“What all/was alles”相关构式的使用策略) 主讲人:包甫博(Huba Bartos)教授 匈牙利科学院语言学研究所 时间:2019年6月10日(周一)下午2:00-4:00 地点:综合楼1211 主办单位:北京语言大学语言学系 Abstract The talk investigates the various manifestations of the "What all …" question construction in four languages: (varieties of) English, German, Mandarin Chinese, and Hungarian – focusing on the latter two. This time, apart from giving a sketch of the accounts of the syntactic derivation of the English and German construction, I will propose analyses for the Mandarin and Hungarian variant, which (I believe) again share certain properties responsible for both the syntactic shape and the interpretation of these sentences, and have a lot to do with how the pronominal elements behave in them. The essential points of these analyses can be summarized this way: (1) German makes use of a quantifier adjoined to the quantified NP, from where the NP may optionally excorporate – this is how they may end up remotely from each other. (2) In English, no such excorporation is possible, hence wh- all moves as a unit, invariably. (3) Hungarian, where bare ‘restrictor’ pronouns morphologically combine with various quantifiers (", $, free-choice: minden-ki ["-pers] = ‘everyone’, vala-ki [$-pers] = ‘someone’, bár-ki [freech.-pers] = ‘anyone’, cf. Æ-ki [Æ-pers] = ‘who’)), uses a compound quantificational pronoun to form the construction under scrutiny, e.g. [Æ-ki-[minden-ki]] ‘who-everyone’, and places it in the usual wh-position (= spec,FocP in this language). Because of the morphological nature of the compound, no excorporation is possible, hence no remoteness effect of the German type. (4) In Chinese, imilar associations between bare restrictor pronouns like shei ‘x-person’, shenme ‘x-thing’ and quantifiers like the UQ dou, or a Q-op in spec,CP, have usually been analysed as a syntactic dependency. In our cases, however, such a dependency between dou and the bare pronominal would be ill-formed, instead dou adverbially modifies the clause here, and is responsible for a modifying part to the restriction on the variable to the effect that only exhaustive answers will be congruent with the question thus formed. Question-formation, meanwhile, proceeds along the standard route: a Q-operator in spec,C binds the variable provided by the in situ wh-pronoun) – independently of what dou does. 主讲嘉宾介绍 包甫博(Huba Bartos)教授,匈牙利科学院语言学研究所研究员,匈牙利著名语言学家。主要研究方向为形态学、句法学、汉语句法学。近年来,他与罗兰大学副校长兼孔子学院外方院长郝清新(Hamar Imre)教授合作,耗时4年共同编写了含有8万词条的《匈汉大辞典》。他的其他近期研究成果有: -‘The syntax of Hungarian -vA adverbial participles: A single affix with variable merge-in locations.’ In: É. Kiss K.(szerk.), Adverbs and adverbial adjuncts at the interfaces, (Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin & New York; 2009), 75–101. -‘Chinese linguistics in Central and Eastern Europe, and its contributions to modern linguistic theory.’ In: Hamar I. (szerk.), Cultural Relations between China and Eastern Europe. (megj. alatt). -‘Hungarian external causatives: Monoclausal but bi-eventive.’ In: Laczkó T. & C.O. Ringen (szerk.), Approaches to Hungarian vol.12. , (John Benjamins, Amsterdam & Philadelphia, 2011), 1–38. |