题目:话题、焦点和对照的非句法制图研究框架 主讲人:马塞尔-邓-迪肯 教授 匈牙利语言研究院&罗兰大学教授 北京语言大学语言学系国际教授 时间:北京时间 2020年12月21日20:00-21:30 布达佩斯时间 2020年12月21日13:00—14:30 地点:腾讯会议(ID:980 483 187) 主办单位:北京语言大学语言学系 讲座内容摘要:This paper unfolds the contours of a novel non-cartographic outlook on the syntax of information structure based on the idea that topichood, focushood and contrast are all defined with reference to the nature and position of the gap linked to the fronted constituent rather than the fronted element itself. Topic and focus functions are relational, and syntactically represented as such, with topic–comment and focus–presupposition relationships being mediated by a RELATOR: (1). Fronted topics and foci (occupying the position of ‘XP’ in (1)) are associated with different types of empty categories in different positions within YP. The RP in (1) can be inserted in both the high and the low left periphery; YP is necessarily a phase in the case of topic–comment relations (to shield ec from local binding by XP), which restricts the syntax of such relations in revealing ways. The structure in (1) yields explanatory insight into the Verb Second and copula distribution properties of focus and topic fronting, and into the parameters of variation in the comparative syntax of focalisation and topicalisation. (1) also makes precise and accurate predictions about the syntax of (non-)restrictive relativisation and focus and topic fronting in conditional clauses. (1) [RP XPi [RN RELATOR [YP ... eci ... ]]] a. XP = FOCUS if ec = bound variable b. XP = TOPIC if ec = resumptive proform i XP = TOPIC[–CONTRAST] if ec = in-situ personal pronoun ii XP = TOPIC[+CONTRAST] only if ec = ex-situ demonstrative
马塞尔-邓-迪肯 教授
主讲人简介:马塞尔·邓·迪克肯(Marcel den Dikken),(匈牙利)罗兰大学(Eötvös Loránd University)英语语言学系研究型教授,(匈牙利)语言研究院高级研究员,北京语言大学语言学系国际教授委员会成员。编有《剑桥生成语法手册》,并参与编辑《自然语言与语言理论研究》系列丛书,曾任《自然语言与语言理论》主编。 |