From 14th to 17th in October, 2019, Lu Deping, professor of the Department of Linguistics, was invited by Professor Oluwatoyin Ogundipe, principle of University of Lagos, to attend the Conference on Higher Education in Africa, China and Canada. At this conference, he delivered a keynote presentation on Confucius Institute's Significance to the World. As an important composition of the International Week of University of Lagos, this Conference on Higher Education was highly valued by The Central Government of Nigeria, the Consulate General of China in Lagos, the Embassies of France, Finland and Sweden in Nigeria, as well as the China Overseas Studies Fund Committee, Beijing University of Technology, Saskatcheva University of Canada, etc. Officials of Nigeria's central government, ambassadors and representatives of relevant higher education institutions attended the opening ceremony, emphasizing the significance of working with African countries to promote the internationalization of higher education. During his visit, Pro.Lu, Oluwatoyin Ogundipe, and other conference representatives accepted the interview of the Nigerian National Television. On promoting the Internationalization of higher education, Lu expounded the important role of Confucius Institutes in cooperation between Chinese and African universities. Also, Pro.Lu has communicated with teachers and volunteers from Confucius Institute of University of Lagos. The conversation improved mutual understandings. ![](/__local/2/A9/38/DB27F11A5AA8516DE6DB46F0AC4_8BEE771E_2657DB.png) ![](/__local/9/4A/91/21C22405B850AF69038CAA737E2_C2DCE389_26ADDE.png) |