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【 发布日期:2024-06-19 】

主讲人:美国罗格斯大学Dorothy AHN助理教授


Dorothy AHN,哈佛大学语言学博士,罗格斯大学语言学系助理教授。主要研究领域为语义学、手语等,擅长利用语义学和语用学的形式理论和实验方法研究指示词、照应语和量化词等,研究成果发表于Linguistics & Philosophy, Glossa, Language Learning & Development等知名期刊上,受普林斯顿大学、乔治城大学、首尔国立大学等多个机构邀请作学术报告。


Extended D-Type Program: Semantics and pragmatics of definite expressions



摘要:Definite expressions have been studied extensively in the semantics and pragmatics literature, with different division lines drawn between what goes in the lexical meaning of the expressions and what is derived from other conversational mechanisms. In this talk, I explore what empirical grounds we can cover by minimizing the semantics and incorporating language general mechanisms. Specifically, I argue that the semantic space of definiteness should be divided along two dimensions, the content of the linguistic description and the presence of a linker to the actual world. This division is assumed to be universal, though languages morphosyntactically realize the space in different ways. I explore how this view can derive observed anti-uniqueness effects of demonstratives and different presuppositions of definite descriptions.

文案:刘子文 何雨殷


审校:曹笑宁 赵璞